How to convert from any base to any other using excel!
Yes, excel helps us a lot while doing it, if you are using excel 2013, then there are two functions defined in excel. one is "base" and other is "decimal".First of all I will explain that how we manually convert any number of base x to the other number of base y. First we convert the number of base x into base 10, then we convert the following decimal number into the desired y-base.
Similarly Excel has two functions in it, in DECIMAL we can convert any number of any base(upto36) to decimal, and another function is of BASE in this function decimal number can be converted to any number of any base,
let, the number which we have to convert is written in cell A1, and it's base is written in cell A2, and the base of desired number is written in cell A3...... we want our result in cell A4 so we will write the following formula
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