Friday, 23 October 2015



So, today I am going to tell you how to create a web page using notepad.
1- Open notepad. Notepad is build a build in app, you don't need to install it.

2- We use html language, so start with <html> tag and end with </html>.

3- Usually the first tag we use after html is <head>, remember what ever tag we put, there are also end tags. e.g <first tag> and </first tag>.

4- And the we put the tags of title as, <title> & </title> and between them we will write the text that will be displayed at the top of windows screen. e-g this is my first web page.

5- Now we will end the head tag as </head> this, it means that head of ur page is ready.

6- Now we will have to make the body of our website, So we will put <body> tag.

7- In body tag we can put heading, paragraph text, and images..
9- To add any heading we will add it's tags, for example for first heading we will write <h1> & </h1> and between them we will write our first heading.

10- For further headings simply add more tags, for instance <h1> & </h2>.

11- To add the paragraphs we use the tag <p>...  for firs paragh we will use the tag <p1> & </p1>
and write the text between them.
12- To add further paragraph we will add the tags like, <p2> & </p2>.

13- Then we can end our date by ending the body tag </body>

14- Also end the html tag, </html>

15- FORMATTING is and important part of web page, it is so simple in word we can simply do it by (ctrl+ b) to bold the text, but here we have to put tags, such as <b> for bold, <i> for italic and <u> for underline,, DON'T FORGET END TAGS</b>, </i>, </u>, the text you want to be bold put these tags around those lines,, for example I want the whole second paragraph underlined I will do like that...

16-  ADDING IMAGES makes your website interesting,, for this use <img> tags.. and to interesting things with your website..
17- MOST IMPORTANT THING is the name by which you save your document...
it should be like this... index.html... means it should end with .hmtl 

18- after making a website you can buy a domain for it if you want, other wise keep enjoying :)


  1. O, thanku so much, it really worked, i was looking for it,

  2. And please guide me, how to take screen shot on laptop? By any third party application?
    Reply will be appriciated,

  3. And please guide me, how to take screen shot on laptop? By any third party application?
    Reply will be appriciated,

  4. your queries will be entertained in next post,
